Wage theft occurs when an employer fails to pay workers the full wages they have earned. This can happen in many forms and affects workers in all industries. Understanding wage theft and identifying it can help workers recover the wages they deserve. Defining wage...
Wage & Hour Claims
Companies That Steal Wages From Workers Are Prevalent In The US
From small companies to large corporations, it is not unheard of for employers to undercut the wages owed to their employees. The profit for companies is in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually, but employees have access to advocates who will speak up for them...
Wage theft case comes to $2.4 million settlement
Some people may think that getting paid for a job should be relatively straightforward. In an ideal scenario, it would be as simple as someone getting paid for performing a service. However, many employees experience wage theft because employers do not pay minimum...
Wage theft case comes to settlement; workers to receive back pay
Most New York workers want to do their best whenever they are on the job. Often, compensation and other benefits can act as encouragement to do a good job. However, some workers may do their duties to the best of their abilities but not receive proper compensation due...
Violations of wage and hour laws continue to affect workers
Working is how most people earn the money that allows them to meet their basic needs. In favorable situations, New York residents have the ability to earn more than just enough to meet those needs, but many people do not. In some cases, employers can make matters...
New York DOL wage theft investigation recovers $6 million
Not receiving proper compensation for services is a prevalent problem across the country. Many workers find themselves facing less pay than anticipated and deserved because their employers violated the law. In many cases, workers have to take action in efforts to have...
Senior care facility owes workers after wage violations
Many employees feel as if their employers are the ones with the power and control at their places of employment. While that notion may be true in some sense, workers also have power, especially when it comes to standing up to violations they face in the workplace. If...
Class action lawsuit involves workers affected by wage theft
New York residents have various goals that they hope their jobs will help them achieve. Some may want to reach certain positions during their careers or have other long-term goals, and others may simply want to earn enough income to care for their families....
Protests and lawsuits result from wage theft
While money may not be the most important thing in many people lives, it is still important in many ways. After all, receiving pay is the reason that many New York residents go to work each day. As a result, when employers commit wage theft, employees can suffer...
Claims for wage and hour violations can stem from unpaid overtime
Going into work can be a process for most New York residents. They may have a morning routine at home that includes showering, making coffee, getting dressed and a number of other activities to ensure that they get their day started right. When they finally make it to...