I am often asked as a New York Employment Lawyer what a client can do if their school did not renew their contract. In the private school setting the claims that can be brought against the employer either for non renewal of contract, termination, or some other form...
Month: November 2015
White Plains School Discipline Lawyer Discusses Your Child Being Accused of Bullying
In public schools there is a lot of focus on the concept of bullying and the laws have certainly come a long way in the last three years in trying to prevent bullying from occurring, and imposing obligations on school districts to have certain bullying practices in...
Rockland County Employment Attorney Discusses Having a Discrimination Claim and Being Offered a Generous Separation Agreement
As Rockland County Employment Attorneys, when individuals are facing termination, sometimes it’s under circumstances where they feel they’ve been treated differently or in a discriminatory way in the workplace, and they may have even made a complaint of discrimination...
New York Student Discipline Attorney Discusses Inappropriate Sexual Language in School
I was recently asked as a New York Student Discipline Attorney about what to do if a child is hearing inappropriate sexual language in school from a teacher. In terms of a student who finds themselves in a difficult situation with one of their teachers, the schools...
White Plains Employment Lawyer Discusses Becoming a Member of an LLC
I am often asked as a White Plains Employment Lawyer about becoming a member of an LLC. Many of us have heard of the term LLC or limited liability company, it’s another form of business entity separate in a part from a corporation, and we have people coming to us all...
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