Earning an income is what allows most individuals to live in the manner they choose. Of course, most people earn a wage lower than what they would like to have but still manage to get by. When workers are not given their full earned wages, that ability to get by may...
Month: June 2018
Working nursing mother’s rights in New York
Working mothers encounter a lot of stress. Being a mom and holding a job is a big responsibility. Not only do you have to focus on working and doing your job well, but you have to make time for your family and taking care of your children, too. If you are pregnant or...
Acts of discrimination can cause hardships for employees
Having a job is an important aspect of most New York residents' lives. It often gives them a sense of purpose and also allows them to earn an income off which to live. Individuals with disabilities also feel this way and have this need, but employers may be less...
Employment agreements may act as useful protection
Employers have many duties and responsibilities. In addition to making sure businesses run as they should, they also have the responsibility of ensuring that their workers remain on task and are treated fairly on the job. All of these efforts can seem overwhelming,...
Former nurse wins retaliation lawsuit against hospital
When an employee witnesses wrongdoing in the workplace, he or she may wonder whether speaking up is the right step. Some individuals may not think twice about pointing out unfair treatment, but others may worry about the impacts it could have on their jobs....
Some employers do not properly compensate workers
There are various employment laws in place that work to protect employees from unfair practices. Unfortunately, not every employer abides by the law, and New York workers can end up suffering. In particular, when employers do not properly compensate their workers for...
Disgraced producer Weinstein finally appears in NY criminal court
The once-powerful Hollywood producer whose behavior helped ignite the #MeToo movement recently made his first court appearance on criminal charges for alleged sexual misconduct involving two women. Harvey Weinstein was arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court on charges...