People come into our office all the time in White Plains, NY and they tell us that they are being subjected to a hostile work environment and our response to them is the phrase hostile work environment really doesn't mean much unless its attached to other words such...
Month: February 2015
My Boss Is Treating Me Different Than The Other Employees
ees People tell us typically that they are being treated differently from other co-workers at their job and they want to know what their rights are. Our job as attorneys in White Plains, NY is to ask that prospective client questions, why do you think that you are...
The Americans with Disabilities Act in White Plains, NY
jMany people talk frequently these days about the Americans with disabilities act and I will add that the act has been amended to be effective on January 1st of 2009 and so it is now called the Americans with disabilities act, amendments act of 2008. In the employment...
What is the NYS Human Rights Law?
The New York states human rights law is our statewide anti-discrimination statute. In the employment arena in White Plains, NY it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, race, national origin, color, disability, sexual orientation and a new enactment to that...
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