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Violations of wage and hour laws continue to affect workers

On Behalf of | Sep 23, 2019 | Wage & Hour Claims

Working is how most people earn the money that allows them to meet their basic needs. In favorable situations, New York residents have the ability to earn more than just enough to meet those needs, but many people do not. In some cases, employers can make matters worse by violating wage and hour laws and causing employees to come up short on compensation.

Unfortunately, wage theft can occur in a number of ways. Some employers may not pay overtime or minimum wage, and some could require workers to work off the clock or misclassify them as independent contractors. This issue remains prevalent in various industries, but it affects certain workers more often than others. People of color, immigrant workers and women are often victims of wage theft more than other workers.

Unfortunately, when it comes to fighting back against such action, many workers are afraid that their situations will only become worse. Employers may attempt to retaliate against workers who complain by making their jobs more difficult or even firing them altogether. As a result, individuals who need their jobs may be less likely to report wage theft because they need the income they receive, even if it is not their full wages.

Though New York is among the few states that have anti-retaliation laws relating to violations of wage and hour laws, workers can still end up facing mistreatment. If workers believe that they are not receiving their full compensation, they may want to discuss their circumstances with employment law attorneys. Their legal support could advise them on how to handle the issue and what to do in the event that they face retaliatory actions.