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What is sexual harassment in the workplace?

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2019 | Uncategorized

Sexual harassment is a problem in many workplaces, but it isn’t something that workers should have to deal with. Employers must have specific rules against sexual harassment in all forms. They must relay these to all workers, including supervisors, so everyone knows that it isn’t tolerated.

As part of the plan, there should be dedicated supervisors who can take these complaints. Employees must be able to provide their complaint about the behavior to whichever supervisor they feel most comfortable speaking to, but only people who are familiar with applicable laws should address these complaints.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment, which is illegal, encompasses a variety of actions. Some believe that it only includes physical contact, but it goes far beyond that. It also includes making sexual remarks or innuendos. Sending explicit messages or asking for sexual favors also fall under this category.

Who is a victim of sexual harassment?

Contrary to popular belief, women aren’t the only victims of sexual harassment. Men can also be. The harasser and victim can be different genders or the same. In some cases, people who witness the behavior might be victims. It is possible that more than one person can be the victim, and there might be more than one harasser.

How should employers handle these complaints?

Employers should take all complaints of sexual harassment seriously. Separating the two parties is critical. A thorough investigation must take place. Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, so employers must take appropriate action.

What is retaliation?

Retaliation occurs when a company takes adverse employment action against a worker because they filed a complaint about something or assisted in an investigation. This means that you can’t be fired, demoted or face a pay cut just because you filed a complaint about sexual harassment.

No employee should be concerned about making a factual report about this type of conduct. If you have been sexually harassed or have seen this behavior, let an appropriate supervisor know. Relay as much information as you can about the situation so that they can use it for the investigation. If you do face retaliation, you might have legal options in New York to pursue.