As skilled Putnam County Employment Attorneys, we’ve seen a recent trend for employees to provide not specific references about the substance of an employee’s work performance, job capabilities, et cetera on the job, but rather to provide a perspective employer a reference that consists only of the title of the position the employee held and the dates of the employment. Sometimes employers will verify salary information if authorization is provided. Under these circumstances it makes it difficult for an employee to find a perspective job because the reference is not backing them in going into their new position or venture.
A lot of times these policies are firm and the companies will not deviate. However, there are ways to enable the employee to obtain a positive reference that can then be used down the road as part of an offer of employment with a new company. Our seasoned Putnam County Employment Attorneys often get involved in not only soliciting those references from prior bosses, managers, companies, but we also help tailor the reference so that it’s really beneficial for the employee in seeking new employment.
This informational blog post was provided by Kim Patricia Berg, one of our experienced Putnam County Employment Attorneys.