Some unfair hiring practices can encroach on being illegal. Besides the fact that this can greatly affect your company’s reputation, you also want to avoid breaking anti-discrimination, disability or labor laws . Illegal hiring acts include anything that discriminates against a job candidate thus violating his or her civil rights.
Check the hiring policies and practices your company follows to ensure you avoid the following mistakes.
1. Discriminating against someone belonging to a protected class.
You cannot ask a potential employee for specific information about their sex, citizenship, race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, medical history or national origin. If the applicant raises these topics during a job interview, you can answer briefly.
None of your hiring practices can discourage or encourage job candidates based on these protected classes. This includes refusing to give an application to a person based on a discriminatory practice.
2. Directly inquiring about a candidate’s disability.
Avoid questions relating directly to a potential employee’s disability. You may only ask whether the person is capable of performing activities that fall under the job description. Essentially, do not ask different types of questions of all job candidates.
Do not inquire about any history of filing workers’ compensation claims or about someone’s medical conditions.
3. Asking a female candidate about her family plans.
Do not ask questions that only apply to one gender. For example, do not inquire about a woman’s plans for child care or if she’s planning for a pregnancy.
Make it your priority to prevent illegal and unfair hiring practices in your business.