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Judge rules in favor of woman in pregnancy discrimination case

On Behalf of | Jun 4, 2019 | Gender & Pregnancy Discrimination

It may seem outdated to some to think that women do not belong in the workforce. However, many women continue to face employment discrimination in New York and across the country in various forms. In particular, pregnancy discrimination continues to be an issue that puts workers and their jobs in precarious positions despite protections provided by law.

It was recently reported that a federal judge ruled in favor of an out-of-state woman who had been subjected to pregnancy discrimination after being offered a job. Apparently, the woman had been offered a position with a company called Scribe X only to have the offer rescinded when the company found out that the woman was pregnant. This action resulted in the woman filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The EEOC filed a federal complaint on behalf of the woman, and the judge involved in the case recently ordered that the company must provide the woman with $25,000 in lost wages and an additional $55,000 for damages. The company must also change its records and ensure that the woman is eligible for rehire. The company indicated that it will adhere to the order, but it maintains that it did not act in a discriminatory manner.

Pregnancy discrimination puts mothers-to-be in difficult positions that they should not have to face. Many New York residents are perfectly capable of keeping up with their job duties while also having families, and for employers to unjustly treat workers differently due to pregnancy is a serious violation of federal law. If workers believe that their pregnancies resulted in mistreatment at work, they may want to gain information on their possible legal options.