Though many New York residents may try to not give much credence to what other people think about them, the opinions of others and the treatment from them can greatly impact their lives. In particular, if workers are treated with hostility or face gender discrimination on the job, their careers could be at risk. Not only that but their mental well-being can suffer as well.
It was recently reported that a worker in another state claims to have had to leave her job due to gender discrimination. The woman stated that she had worked at a restaurant for two years and was eventually able to apply for management training. She attended a seminar where she wore fitted slacks, a men’s button-up shirt and boat shoes. A district manager had seen the woman and reportedly told her general manager that she was dressed inappropriately.
During the formal interview for the promotion, the general manager told her that she would need to dress “more gender appropriate” if she obtained the promotion. The woman apparently did not receive the promotion, and she also later left her job, claiming that she was forced to quit due to not conforming to gender stereotypes. The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a complaint with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission for discrimination. The representatives for the restaurant chain claim that the woman was not denied a promotion and that she was simply given feedback on manager dress code guidelines.
Gender discrimination or any type of discrimination can stall or completely end a person’s career. The negative repercussions of this unfair treatment can affect numerous areas of any New York resident’s life who has had to contend with such wrongdoing. Employees or former employees who feel that they have been mistreated on the job may wish to gain information on their legal options handling their situations.