There are many instances in life when people may be subjected to unseemly behavior from others. While this type of scenario should not take place at work, it often does. Many New York workers may face sexual harassment and then face retaliation when they report the untoward actions.
Recent reports stated that five women in another state have filed complaints that a male co-worker at the hospital where they work sexually harassed them. The claims allege that the man showed them sexually suggestive videos, discussed his sex life and his genitalia, inappropriately touched female workers, made sexual comments about his co-workers and carried out sexually suggestive actions. The women also claim that nothing was done by the hospital management to stop the actions.
The women indicated that they faced retaliation for filing complaints about the harassment to management. They received written reprimands, changes to their work schedules and faced intimidation at work. They also stated that the continued harassment caused them stress and other ill effects. At the time of the report, the state’s Bureau of Labor and Industries was investigating, and it was not mentioned whether the women planned to pursue a lawsuit.
Sexual harassment and retaliation can make workers feel unsafe, unheard and unprotected. If these actions take place in New York establishments, workers may want to determine what steps they could take to protect themselves and their rights. Information on legal claims associated with harassment and retaliation may be useful to victims who want to utilize the justice system to rectify their situations.