People of color often face difficulties in life that other people do not. In a considerable number of instances, workers may face workplace discrimination due to their race or the color of their skin. These instances are unacceptable, but many workers can suffer negative consequences before action is taken.
New York residents may be interested in a discrimination case currently underway in another state. A former employee of an airline claims that he faced discrimination on the job and that the airline allowed a “whites only” break room to exist at one of its airports. The worker learned of the segregated break room in 2013, and the airline reportedly allowed its existence until renovations of the airport resulted in the room being removed.
The man also claims that black employees are more likely to face termination for work-related infractions than white workers. He stated that he was fired from his position after damaging a work vehicle and failing to immediately report it. However, he alleged that two white workers had damaged vehicles and did not immediately report the incidents, but they only received notices. The man has filed a discrimination lawsuit against the airline, which did not comment on the specific litigation.
Workplace discrimination can come in many forms, and unfair treatment is among the most common actions. If New York workers have been mistreated on the job due to their race, they may want to consider their legal options. Many individuals may have reason to seek justice through the court system when they have been the victims of discrimination on the job.