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Where should White Plains employers start on their handbooks?

On Behalf of | Dec 28, 2017 | Employer Contracts & Handbooks

Owning a company that has employees requires taking certain steps to protect the employees and the company as well. This means having an employee handbook that outlines the policies and procedures that provide a harassment and discrimination free workplace that fosters productivity. To that end, White Plains employers should provide employees with handbooks that include at least the following.

Some of the first information needed by every employee includes the attendance, dress code and safety standards, along with a code of ethics regarding conduct in the workplace. Just as important are any policies and procedures against discrimination, harassment and retaliation. The handbook should also outline what happens in the event of violations, including any disciplinary actions that could result.

The employee handbook may also need to include information regarding hiring and firing policies. This may include minimum qualifications for hiring and common reasons for termination. An outline of the compensation and benefits packages could also be included. The policies and procedures need to apply to everyone working for the company, including mangers, supervisors and those in human resources. Anyone who works for the company should sign an acknowledgement that he or she has read, understands and obtained a copy of the handbook.

Employees should also be provided with the steps to take in the event another employee, manager or supervisor violates a policy that creates a hostile work environment. In addition, if an employee faces disciplinary action or termination believed to be in violation of the policies and procedures, the handbook may provide some guidance regarding that belief. Employees here in the White Plains area who believe that they received unfair treatment from an employer and question whether they may have cause to file a complaint could benefit from discussing the matter with an employment law attorney.

Source:, “6 Policies You Need to Start a Strong Employee Handbook“, Accessed on Dec. 24, 2017