The workplace should be an environment free from unjust perceptions, where employees are treated equally and reviewed, compensated and promoted based on their skills. Unfortunately, New York employers continue to allow workplace discrimination to flourish. Nearly half of all women in the United States report experiencing gender-based discrimination in their place of work.
Income was one of the most problematic areas in a recent Pew Research Center survey. While it found that women experience gender discrimination about twice as often as men, they are still much less likely to be sufficiently compensated for their work. An astounding 25 percent of women reported that they were paid less than a male peer who was performing the same job. Only 5 percent of men reported being paid less than female counterparts.
Women also face more opposition to their competency than men. The survey concluded that 23 percent of women had been treated as incompetent because of their gender, whereas only 6 percent of men reported experiencing this type of discrimination. Women also tend to receive less support from superiors and leaders than men who hold the same positions.
Although women now hold higher and more prominent positions than were possible for past generations, many still face ongoing acts of workplace discrimination. When employees are unfairly reviewed or passed over for promotions, they often miss out on valuable wage increases and other employment opportunities. In some instances, victims may even lose their jobs. New York victims of workplace discrimination can recover these and other related damages by pursuing a claim against their former employer that, if successfully taken to completion, can also help implement changes that protect future workers.
Source: Pew Research Center, “Gender discrimination comes in many forms for today’s working women“, Kim Parker and Cary Funk, Dec. 14, 2017